The June issue of our newsletter The Mortar & Pestle focuses on Compounding, which is the pharmacists’ ability to prepare custom dosage forms to best fit the needs of the patient or where no other off the shelf solution seems to solve the particular therapeutic problem. At Stafford Pharmacy & Home Healthcare we have been compounding since the 1990’s and in 1999 expanded our abilities when we added a Microsphere isolator or commonly called a “glove box”, allowing us to prepare sterile preparations as well as non-sterile dosage forms. As a result we now prepare everything from oral suspensions to intravenous antibiotic solutions for continuous infusion.
Take a quick look at this month’s issue to get a insight into some of the things we do not just for our our patients who might also be companion animals as they too need our specialized services from time to time. Not something most people expect to see but we prepare similar custom medications for cats and dogs, ferrets and rabbits, lizards and snakes and birds too. Yes, we’ve pretty much done it all but there’s even more than we haven’t done so each day ‘is an adventure’ at Stafford Pharmacy & Home Healthcare.
Take a read of the June Mortar & Pestle or better yet, drop in to see what we can do for you or your pet.