Sterile Preparations
Sterile Preparations
As well as compounding non-sterile products such as creams and oral liquids, we are equipped with a sterile lab in order to prepare many sterile products such as those listed below:
Eye and Ear Preparations
Eye and ear drops alike must be made in a sterile environment. We prepare these types of formulations for both humans and animals! A common eye drop that we currently prepare are low concentrations of atropine usually 0.05%. The eye drop is prescribed to treat the progression of myopia (near-sightedness).
Home Parenteral Therapy Program (HPTP)
The Home Parenteral Therapy Program is a program which allows patients to receive intravenous (IV) medications in the comfort of their home after being discharged from the hospital or instead of being admitted to the hospital to receive treatment. At Stafford Pharmacy we prepare IV antibiotics to treat those infections that prove to be a little more serious than those treated well with oral or topical antibiotic dosage forms. For more information about the HPTP program and for the healthcare professional we direct those interested to the following page: Stafford Pharmacy HPTP Program
Medications for Injection
Many medications must be administered by injection. We are able to create an injectable formulation for medications that may not be commercially available in this dosage form. As well, due to wide ranging and longer term drug shortages of many medications including those administered by injection. Recently we have been called on to prepare diazepam iv solution; midazolam injection; phenobarbital injection solution to name a few that became unavailable due to single source supply within Canada.
Pre-filled Syringes
For some patients it can be difficult to draw medications up into syringes for administration by injection. At Stafford Pharmacy we offer a pre-filling service. We will draw up the required amount of medication into syringes for each dose. The patient no longer has to worry about how to draw the correct amount of medication into the syringe. Most common are pre-filled syringes containing medications commonly used in palliative care. This takes the burden of frequently filling syringes with medication from family members.
We also offer safe disposal of needles in safety containers. Don’t put used needles in the garbage, return to our pharmacy for proper disposal. Please ask pharmacy staff about this service and if it could benefit you!