Welcome to the World of Customized Solutions
We offer customized solutions for those therapeutic problems that just do not have an off the shelf solution. Much like we humans (and their companion animals) no two human beings seem to present any health disorder in exactly the same way. Not surprising that more often than not, a customized solution is required to remedy such problems.
You can begin your discovery about this unique area of pharmacy practice by selecting one of the pages below:
About Compounding
We offer customized solutions for those therapeutic problems that just do not have an off the shelf solution.
Veterinary Compounding
We offer a large selection of animal medicine and can special compounded solutions for our animals.
Sterile Compounding
We offer sterile solutions for those needing special compounding.
We continue to discover new solutions to those therapeutic problems that are presented to us by our patients and/or their physicians. As for the companion animals that are so dear to us, our Veterinary colleagues continue to discover with us, just what solutions can be prepared to provide some novel solutions to a variety of animal health problems. For these reasons, this section continues to be expanded, edited and re-worked as we share with you an ever expanding volume of therapeutic solutions that come as a result of new knowledge, skills and technologies making it possible for the compounding pharmacists, to bring the scientific developments to you the patient as practical solutions to therapeutic problems.