Mosquito bite protection
Protect Yourself
- Wear long sleeved shirts and long pants if possible when outdoors.
- Use mosquito netting over infant strollers.
- Repair broken screen doors or windows to keep your house mosquito-free.
- Drain sources of standing water to reduce the amount of mosquito’s around your home.
- The active ingredient in insect repellents is diethyltoluamide (DEET).
- Apply a mosquito repellant containing 30% DEET for optimal protection.
- DEET 30% can be used on anyone over the age of 2 months old.
- When applied properly DEET 30% will be effective for 4-6 hours.
- Spray on arms, legs and torso. To apply to face, spray into hands and rub onto face avoiding eyes, mouth and nose.
- Citronella can also be used as a mosquito repellant and is effective for 1 hour when applied.
- Do not scratch bites, this can lead to infection. Rubbing will also make the bite itchier!
- If possible, wash the area with soap and water.
- Apply an ice pack, a cold cloth, or even a cold pop can to decrease the swelling.
- Calamine lotion, aloe vera and topical hydrocortisone 0.5% cream can all be used to decrease the itch.
- If the bites are to numerous to cover with creams, oral Benadryl can be used to decrease the allergic reaction and itching.
- Deep Woods Off
- Muskol