Dry Skin Solution

Is your skin suffering this winter? Dry skin, or xeroderma, is often worse in the winter when the climate is colder and drier. Normally, the skin secretes its own oil, sebum. When this oil is stripped away, the skin becomes dry and it loses it’s ability to protect the body from the outside world. How do you know if you have dry skin? Common symptoms of dry skin include:
  • Flaking
  • Itching
  • Cracking
  • Redness
These symptoms most commonly appear on arms hands and lower legs. Can you prevent dry skin? The easiest way to prevent dry skin is to avoid stripping it of it’s protective sebum. The number one culprit is harsh cleansers and soaps. Using a gentle soap such as glycerin soap or Cetaphil® and avoiding heavily perfumed cleansers can help to prevent dry skin. Another way to prevent dry skin is to stay hydrated! Drink plenty of water and avoid drinking excessive amounts of caffeinated beverages. How to treat dry skin? For mild to moderate dry skin, the following methods will restore moisture.
  • After bathing or showering, moisturize with an unscented, hypoallergenic moisturizing cream
  • Add a tablespoonful of oil (mineral, almond, olive) to your bath AFTER soaking for 5 minutes
  • Protect your skin from the elements by moisturizing before heading outside.
For more severe dry skin that can’t be treated with the above suggestions, prescription steroid creams may be required. Ask your pharmacist for help selecting products to treat your dry skin today!
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